
World Net Daily's White Supremacist Sources

Kragar6/10/2010 9:03:27 pm PDT

And some background on Tim Adams;

Count Us Out took a cursory look into some of what Tim Adams said about himself in the June 5th Political Cesspool radio interview.

From the number on the website shown below, I was transferred to a cordial and professional Chad Kadota to whom the following questions were posed:

Had he worked there.

When did he work there.

How long did he work there.

What was his title.

What were his job responsibilities?

Did he have access to records that would indicate a person’s citizenship and / or place of birth?

According to Chad Kadota, the Assistant Elections Administrator in the Elections Division of the Office of the City Clerk, Tim Adams had worked at the City Clerks Office in the Elections Division for a short time (although he could not recall whether or not it was during the 2008 election).

In the audio-interview, Tim Adams said that he had a ‘temporary contract’ which explains the short time he worked there.

As far as the job responsibilities, Chad pretty much listed what is shown below from the official website of the City & County of Honolulu: Elections Division. He said that Tim Adams would not have had access to records that would show where someone was born. He said the registration forms do ask about citizenship. I asked if they require the person to differentiate between natural born or naturalized, he said they just require ‘citizenship’.

Although Tim Adams stated his title had been Chief Elections Clerk, Chad Kadota said there is no such position but Tim Adams had worked as an Elections Clerk in the Office of the City Clerk in the Election Division. Chad added that there is a Chief Elections Officer, but, Tim Adams certainly had not been ’that’.

We also contacted the University of Western Kentucky and confirmed that Tim Adams had, until this past Spring, worked as a Graduate Assistant in the English Department and did have teaching assignments.

The following is directly from the City & County of Honolulu: Elections Division: Who We Are

The Office of the City Clerk is an agency of the legislative branch of the City and County of Honolulu. The Elections Division performs voter registration and election responsibilities delegated to the City Clerk under the Revised Charter of the City and County of Honolulu and State law.

Conducting elections involves: registering voters, maintaining the voter registration database on behalf of the four counties and the State of Hawaii, maintaining address data and district data; checking signatures on city candidate/initiative petitions; accepting candidate filings; issuing and mailing absentee ballots; accepting, accounting for, and processing returned ballots; establishing walk in voting locations; The Office of the City Clerk also accepts financial disclosure filings of candidates and City employees and provides clerical support to the Honolulu City Council.

The Elections Division has 5 full-time employees and employs seasonal employees during election years. For major elections like Primary and General elections, the Division will employ as many as 100 seasonal election workers

For election purposes, the City and County of Honolulu is comprised of the entire island of Oahu and the northwest Hawaiian islands. Honolulu is the largest county in Hawaii and has a population of over 900,000 persons. As of June 2008, there are over 450,522 registered voters in the county.