
Ron Paul Pines for the Good Old Days of the Galveston Hurricane

bluecheese8/28/2011 11:25:47 am PDT

This crap comes as no surprise to me. It also sounds more like contemporary Republican governance than whacked out Libertarian clap-trap.

Kevin Drum

Shall we roll the tape? Under Bush Sr., FEMA sucked. Under Clinton, FEMA was rehabilitated and turned into a superstar agency. Under Bush Jr., FEMA sucked again. Under Obama, FEMA’s doing great and responding quickly.

I know, I know, we’re not supposed to politicize natural disasters. Not when that politicization makes Republicans look bad, anyway. So I’ll just let you draw your own conclusions from these four data points. I report, you decide.

Pretty much.

When your central political theory is that government can’t do anything right, then why should anyone be surprised when government fucks it up under your leadership?