
Sarah Palin at the Iowa GOP Ronald Reagan Dinner

Lidane9/17/2010 10:01:01 pm PDT

re: #476 allegro

Maybe cuz I’m in Texas and had more knowledge of him, but all I saw was an entitled, sneering frat boy in whom I found no qualities I could respect. Unfortunately, that image was never improved in my eyes.

Yeah, same here. I never cared for him much, either as governor or as President. I had much the same image you did, of the sneering, entitled frat boy. Still, when comparing him to the lunatics that have sprung up since he left office, I’d rather listen to his garbled syntax any day of the week over Caribou Barbie and her pathetic word salad, or Bachmann and her crazy, or any of the teabaggers.

I never voted for him, never liked his policies or his politics much, but if I met the guy, I’d shake his hand and be civil to him. He doesn’t seem like a malicious asshole (see: Cheney, Dick), just like someone who coasted by on Daddy’s name for a long time, only to find himself way over his head as President.