
Eric Holder Says Gitmo Prisoners Might Be Released in the US

JCM3/18/2009 9:03:36 pm PDT

re: #484 Iron Fist

I see what you are saying, I think. The way I’ve worked it out in my mind is that I want Obama to want what is right for the country. If he wants what is right for the country, then I want him to succeed.

However the truth is that Obama wants what is harmful for the country. Because he wants what is Harmful to the country, I wish to see him fail, but only in such a way that his failure produces what is good for the country.

In either case, it is not as simple as wishing him to succeed or fail. What I’m afraid we are going to get is an epic fail from Obama that is itself harmful to the country as well as Obama’s ambitions. This seems to be the dominant probablity. The only thing worse would be for Obama to mean ill towards the Country (the jury is still very much out on that) and be successful in his intent.

I don’t rule that posibillity out.


I think of both Bush’s and Reagan. All three understood that they were men serving in an office. That the Office was much, much more than them as individuals. I don’t believe Obama understands that, his arrogance and narcissism makes him believe he is the totality of the Presidency, not a temporary custodian of the Office and Country.