
Overnight Open Thread

SixDegrees5/13/2009 7:27:41 am PDT

re: #462 pingjockey

Flying Pig moment? The LA Times! is causing a stink about the feds witholding 7 billion from Cali if the SEIU doesn’t get their raises!

Sure. This is a threat made by Obama, and is patently illegal. He has no power to pass or modify bills; that’s the job of Congress. If he wants a change, he can go back the the Legislative Branch and ask them to pass one. Otherwise, he can stuff it.

It is also obviously a political quid pro quo; the unions actively endorsed 0 during the elections, and went directly to him in February when these cuts were proposed, demanding that he do something about it. It’s a transparent payback.

With Pelosi in the Speaker’s position, such a targeted cutoff aimed at her home state doesn’t stand much of a chance. Look for Obama to turn his back on her present troubles over waterboarding, and throw her under the bus at the first opportunity.