
Video: Roland Martin on Birthers: 'They're Stupid'

Walter L. Newton4/22/2010 1:28:25 pm PDT

re: #508 windsagio

Maybe its not my place, but you need to take a zen attitude with Walter. He’s a bit different than most of the real problem cases. Have fun with him, let him play his schtick, and understand he likes a good fight, and you’ll do great.

I’ll give Jason a few hours to work on his style, I have to go to a doctors appointment. Maybe the doctor will tell me I’m dying of something and Jason won’t have to worry about putting up with me any longer.

Or maybe, I can get the doctor to touch something she shouldn’t be touching and then sue her big time for my piece of the 15 minutes of fame and money pie.

Decisions, decisions… oh well… BBL.