
New Pre-Stomping Video: Does It Change Things?

ZetaC10/28/2010 4:41:32 am PDT

re: #511 boxhead

Never been much of a fan when it comes to “free speech zones”. I cannot see how they can be Constitutional. Now as far as the foot on head move, if it was an isolated act, I could chalk it up to one kook. But it seems that the loony Right is all about use of unjustified force. I’d love to see that happen in my neck of the woods…

When they’re separated by blocks and blocks like when happens during WTO times or when clowns like Ahmouddamygourd from Iran show up, I’d agree with you.

In this case, they’re right across the street from each other. It’s not a “free speech zone” thing as much a public safety, “keep two already agitated groups from intermixing and degenerating into a public riot when someone gets an accidental jostle from someone else wearing the other side’s pin” thing.