
Thursday Night Music: Regina Spektor, 'Laughing With'

austin_blue6/25/2009 9:11:31 pm PDT

re: #483 Dark_Falcon

Good book, but I don’t know if you could get the needed cast for the movie. Who would you cast for the roles?

Some picks by me:

James Longstreet: Tom Berenger (he did well in the role in Gettysburg

Nathan Bedford Forrest: Christan Bale (you want nasty intense for that man, and Bale can deliver that).


The Vienna Boys Choir as the New York Irish division humping down the road into the first engagement with the Rebs with automatic rifles at Chancellorsville. Death of the innocents. Sasha Baron Cohen as Hooker. Lucky Luciano as Thomas Jackson (He lives this time!)

Turtledove does interesting stuff. His alternate history books are fascinating, and at this point they are *all* alternate history.