
Watch Live: President Obama Delivers a Statement on Ferguson and Iraq

Skip Intro8/18/2014 6:09:40 pm PDT

Ex-police chief Kessler is outraged over how things are being handled in Ferguson.

The floor is yours, ex-chief.

About time the TRUTH comes out about the piece of shit THUG who comitted STRONG ARM ROBBERY in Missouri !!!! The THUG then charged a police office trying and take his service weapon ! Well well well ! So now the the alleged peaceful protestors LOOTED the very store our Prince Charming THUG robed !!!! Seriously these so called Americans are nothing but THUGS looking for handouts and if they don’t get their FREE HANDOUTS they just take at will , but that’s perfectly ok according to OVOMIT , HOLDER , liberal media & liberal politicians , I wanna know WHY a sitting president of the United States is interfering with a local police matter ? Why OVOMIT ordered ERIC the THUG HOLDER to directly interfear with a LOCAL POLICE MATTER ? Holder does not have any jurisdiction in this case NONE, or any jurisdiction over local police their !!!! NONE ! Local police should tell holder , OVOMIT , to get lost ! Or arrest both for obstruction , interfering with an investigation, abuse of office, intimidation against a victim or witness, This is truly an outrage