
Overnight Open Thread

realwest5/24/2009 9:25:30 am PDT

re: #482 Altermite
“…but its important to get one’s facts straight before lambasting a college for taking money while refusing recruitment.” NO it isn’t. As a general proposition, any college or University which receives Federal Funding and they refuses to allow the Armed Forces to recruit on campus, the same way they allow other businesses to recruit on campus, then my opinion is that that college or university should NOT receive Federal Funding. And Liberty U. isn’t worth wasting my time over researching the issue.
Moreover, I find it hard to believe that Harvard wasn’t receiving any government funding in say it’s science department, doing research for, among others, the DoD. You have a link to that statement of fact that they weren’t receiving Federal Funds of any type?
And finally remember the whole reason why I find it so abhorrent for a public school to teach ID/YEC in it’s science department is because it is FUNDED by taxpayer dollars.