
BP Covering Up Spill's Effects?

prairiefire6/02/2010 4:31:22 pm PDT

re: #499 Cato the Elder

If she wins the nomination (and I notice you haven’t put any gold where your mouth is), she’ll take the election.

All the ‘tards will register to vote for the first time. All the creationists, all the dogwhistle racists, all the Christian theocrats, all the other Bible humpers, all the Luap Norians, all the Christian Zionists who love Israel for all the wrong reasons, all the inbred rednecks, all the wannabe wolfslayers, all the people who were taught to think that ACORN = Stalin. All of them.

It can happen here.

Actually, many of those folks mention did register for the first time and come out to vote for GWB in 2004.
Ashcroft allegedly pushed registration hard in the fundie Pentecostal churches.