
Your Cognitive Dissonance Whiplash Moment of Zen, Brought to You by the Guardian

Timothy Watson7/23/2014 9:05:32 am PDT

I’m in the process of reading the The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and, at the risk of Godwinning, thought this paragraph was interesting:

It [poverty] never, however drove him [Adolf Hitler] to the extremity of trying to find a regular job. As he makes clear in Mein Kampf, he had the petty bourgeoisie’s gnawing fear of sliding back into the ranks of the proletariat, of the manual laborers—a fear he was later to exploit in building up the National Socialist Party on the broad foundation of the hitherto leaderless, ill-paid, neglected white-collar class, whose millions nourished the illusion that they were at least socially better off than the “workers.”