
Here Is Your "Big Romney Comeback" Story of The Week

bratwurst8/09/2014 12:58:11 pm PDT

re: #43 freetoken

The rehabilitation of Mitt started immediately after the election. Some of us have noticed these past two years of the stream of Mitt stories that are floated here and there. It’s a long running campaign that started, as I mentioned, immediately after the defeat.

I think this is it exactly. He does not, in fact, have any intention to run ever again…he is just looking to rehabilitate his image and point out to the world that he was “right” about Russia being “our number one geopolitical foe”.

Let’s say he was right. What exactly would he have done differently? Boycott the Sochi Olympics? There is certainly no chance in the world he would have ever authorized the US military to assist in the defense of Crimea or eastern Ukraine. No. Chance. At. All.