
Democratic Debate: Clinton vs. Sanders, the Wrap-Up

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷2/04/2016 8:32:17 pm PST

re: #48 freetoken

See, this gets to my belief that the DNC has not done a good job with developing a deep bench, so to speak.

I get the feeling that the DNC this year has ended up being too much like the Republicans, where the nominee is the last contest’s runner-up.

Name recognition is really important - see Trump.

Clinton is one of the few Dems that has very high name recognition.

Many of the so-called rising stars of the Democrats have very little name recognition outside their little corner of this big country.

Senator Sanders did bring up Dean’s fifty state strategy.

Here I am the only elected Democrat in any position in my county (a village trustee in a tiny town). The county Democratic Party won’t talk to me (there are two guys, 68 and 67 years old, one dying of cancer). The state party has never heard of me.

Reminds me of the song “I’m Blue” … in a sea of red out here.