
Wired Takes on the Anti-Vaxers

Scottish Dragon10/21/2009 6:30:29 am PDT

re: #20 Spider mensch

I’ve said it before, but I suppose it bears repeating for any anti vax who may be reading, go take walk thru a turn of the century cemetery. read the ages on the tombstones. all those young children didn’t die of falling off of ice wagons. we’ve come along way in the fight against deadly childhood disease, of course we’ll never protect every child as long as stupidity is in the mix, but we are way ahead of were we were 100 or so years ago.

A response may be that big pharma hasn’t exactly covered itself in glory with debacles like Phen Phen, Thalidomide etc etc as well as using an insanely poisonous organic mercury compound as a fungicide.

Yes, vaccines are necessary. Childhood diseases can be deadly. NO, the big drug companies cannot be trusted at their word to deliver safe products. Putting mercury as a preservative in vaccines was insane.