
Live Video: Obama's Statement on Libya

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All2/23/2011 2:26:17 pm PST

re: #35 eastsider

Curious what the lizards think: at what point (if any) does the US have a responsibility to step in with troops? What if we see a genocide unfolding?

Back on topic.

Just from a purely layperson view….
We do have resources and assets in rage, particularly if we have NATO help, to make a pretty decent impact on Libya’s air and naval capacity. BUT, we really don’t have the capacity to get boots on the ground to stop the rampage of mercenaries through the streets. We’re already stretched to the breaking point with our Army/Marines.

We can balance the fight, but we can’t go in and win the fight or stop the carnage. And would it be worth it to go in? or would we end up creating more problems than we solve by America being perceived as throwing her weight around… again. (our intentions can be good, but if people take it the wrong way, we still take the hit)