
Overnight Hope-a-Dope

Irish Rose2/02/2009 6:53:54 am PST

re: #457 godfrey

I wish you well, Irish Rose. You are not taking the easy way out, and that approach is what made this country prosperous and great.

One of the things I’d like to see the feds do is mandate a course in basic economics as part of the public high school curriculum. Bring entrepreneurs into the schools to talk to kids, not these buffoons who hold up condoms and smile or ridiculous “motivational speakers” who actually know nothing but fine-sounding platitudes.

Give students knowledge, tools, and freedom, and they will create new wealth.

Agreed, we should be teaching young people basic economics.

We should also be doing everything that we possibly can in this country to generate new jobs by making it easier for people to start their own small businesses, and enact policies that encourage the growth and success of existing small businesses - instead of enacting policies that stifle them. Small businesses are the backbone of this country.

Its’ also critical that we take immediate steps to reward corporations who choose to do their business here at home, on American soil. Double incentives for corporations who set up shop in areas of the country that are economically depressed.

And make those who shift their jobs out of the country to take advantage of cheap labor elsewhere, pay a penalty.