
The Return of Cold Fusion?

realwest3/24/2009 10:39:25 pm PDT

re: #478 funky chicken
Well I went to a private University and an Ivy League Law School and me, some scholarships, two jobs during the semesters, 3 jobs in summer and my $200 a month from the GI Bill and roughly $20,000 in student loans and I got my law degree. And paid back my student loans.
This is just another damned example of the Nanny State mentality - got yourself in a bind there kiddo- don’t worry, it’s not YOUR fault, let Uncle Sam take care of it for you. Any other stress we can releive you of- like deciding on whom to vote for next election?
It’s all, pure, unadulterated CRAP. No one is responsible for the CHOICES they made in their lives. Except of course for Military members and Veterans, Cops and Firefighters (and EMTS). Everyone else - pass go, pick up a few grand along the way - never mind that you GAVE YOUR WORD TO REPAY THAT LOAN.