
Tea Party Leader Supported Racist Image of Obama

Aye Pod9/13/2009 4:58:08 pm PDT

re: #522 PSGInfinity

No, it isn’t weak. One search in Charles’ box produced blogmocracy and one google produced the site. Top hit in both searches. I recognized Iron Fist’s nic, and knew that must be the site you’re referring to. Sorry, hadn’t gotten around to posting that.

Took you long enough. In your last post you were still muttering about ‘asking around’ for help.

Being flamed has a way off cooling your passion to post at a site, knowwhatImean?

I’m sensing a certain level of butthurt from you now. Imagine being ‘flamed’ for nothing more egregious than smearing the entire left with the accusation that they want to destroy western civilisation! Poor you!/