
Cap-and-Trade Passes House

Shr_Nfr6/26/2009 6:01:12 pm PDT

It was amazing to listen to Boehner run down the 300+ page amendment to the bill that got dumped on Congress at 3 AM this morning. Among the provsons:

1) You are now more or less subject to the CA building code no matter where you are. If you sell your house, you have to pay to get it energy rated and brought up to CA standards.

2) Son of Smoot-Hawley

3) Every city, town, and municipality must hire 3 full time people to deal with the bill

4) All house appraisers must now be retrained and re-certified by some sort of federal agency to evaluatie “properly” the energy enhancements

5) FNM and FRE are to be set free to have to make more lost cost mortgages.

6) There is a 5 billion dollar set-aside for the creation of a “Green Bank” to make loans to worthy people.

7) Acorn gets a slice, since they get some money to perform the retrofit “greening”. CRA all over again.

And that is just in the damn amendment. Talk about a massive crock of crap, this is it. By the grace, it goes down in flames in the Senate. Too bad 4 or 5 too many blue dogs and republicans voted for this travesty.