
Crazy Far Right Conference Ends With a Bang: Glenn Beck

Blind Frog Belly White10/12/2013 12:09:59 pm PDT

re: #39 Eclectic Cyborg

And that really sucks, because meaningful action cannot occur unless BOTH the House and Senate can get it together. One body cannot act unilaterally without the other.

In the end, it will hinge on Boehner’s willingness to buck the Teabagger Caucus. My impression - perhaps more of a forlorn hope - is that Boehner always wanted a single deal to kick the Debt Ceiling can way down the road while re-funding the government, so he can tear off the bandage all at once.

If he’d done this a week and a half ago, just to pass a clean CR, he might have been deposed before the Debt Ceiling came up for a vote, and while the shutdown is a fission bomb, the Debt Ceiling is thermonuclear.