
Good News From the GOP's War on Science: Textbook Publishers Resisting Pressure From Texas Creationists

piratedan10/19/2013 10:55:47 pm PDT

re: #51 ausador

No way you can argue with this, proof positive that “Atheistic Origin Science” (evolution) is completely wrong…

To think that I have believed in and supported the teaching of evolution for all these years and the proof that it is false could be so simply stated! How could I have been so wrong???


what is scary is that you get sucked in to a supposedly plausible sounding argument and baselines. It’s all in the framing and these guys are great at framing. Like the Bible… okay, we have the KJV that is the “modern day standard”, problem is, the people that inhabited the region where the Bible takes place weren’t speaking English…. so what were they speaking? Hebrew? Aramaic? Hittite? Farsi? Greek? Say it was Hebrew… then was the gospel directly translated from Hebrew to English? Perhaps into Greek? Latin? German? all before we get to English and we have to accept that nothing got lost in translation along the way…..