
Colbert From Home: Muzzled by Trump, the CDC Releases Watered Down Guidelines for Reopening

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)5/21/2020 10:52:03 am PDT

re: #47 Dr Lizardo

I’m afraid even a crushing Democratic landslide won’t deter them. They’ll find some way to gin up a conspiracy theory to explain it away.

I’m just going to pre-empitvely get off the lawn here and say while I don’t remember the mid 90’s that well, I do remember the aftermath of Oklahoma City and I remember the original crazy right wing militias as well. The thing that’s happened here is the inmates have control of the GOP car. No way will Pence succeed Trump as the GOP standard bearer and while some see Nikki Haley trying to take it, I don’t see her doing it either. There’s far too much sexism in the GOP ranks. And as much as I hate the bastards, there definitely was nativism directed both Cruz and Rubio’s ways as sons of immigrants.