
Still More Advertisers Bailing Out on Beck

Honorary Yooper10/06/2009 12:55:04 pm PDT

We have allies out there, apparently. I came across this post from a GoV Watch.

Wahhh! Wahhh! They believed Charles Johnson, not me!

He commends Charles while condeming Bodissey, and ends with this comment,

P.S. Note to Baron: I have another explanation for the political path taken by Charles Johnson during the past two years. Perhaps, dear Baron, he remains true to his principles, and it is the rest of the right-wing blogosphere that has joined you off the political deep end with raging Obamahatred, calling up the dark specters of racism and fascism in its stead.

Other people are standing up and noticing what is going on. Thank you Charles, for being consistent while others go off the deep end.