
Gingrich Bails Out of the Anti-Mosque Demonstration

Racer X8/21/2010 11:31:15 am PDT

re: #40 Gus 802

Yeah. Looks like Harry Reid and a couple others will be the meme we’ll hear from now on. Who do they have two or three people? Just like the AGW threads were Al Gore always comes up with regards to Park51 we’ll never hear the end of Harry Reid and the false equivalency therein.

20 percent of Americans say Obama is Muslim. What else do 1 in 5 of us think?

Nearly one in five Americans mistakenly believes that President Obama is Muslim, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center — and that was before he came out in support of the right to build a mosque near Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan. What other opinions, habits, surmises, hopes and fears do 20 percent of us share?