
Overnight Open Thread

Flyers19749/14/2009 7:36:47 am PDT

re: #405 MJ

Let’s look at that last sentence: If the Obama Administration believes that it can’t resolve the Iran nuclear issue any other way but through talks, then why pretend that stronger sanctions will do the trick? In addition, this statement rules out all military options. It tells the Iranian government that talking is the only option that we intent to pursue. Is it any wonder then that they ruled out talking about their nuclear program?

My theory is that it is doubtful that any US administration will attack Iran (absent an attack on the US or Israel, etc…,) even if it were a known certainty that Iran would have a nuclear weapon within one year, for example. I would also guess that Iran believes this as well, regardless of statements or lack of statements made by the President. My reasons for believeing this are: Lack of public support and political will here, No support from China or Russia, Fear of unintended foreign policy and economic consequences. So the question is, whether or not one personally agrees that military force should not be used, if it is true that it will in fact, not be used for the reasons above or for other reasons, what are the options?