
NAACP Passes Resolution Condemning Tea Party Racism

Nick Schroeder7/13/2010 8:35:56 pm PDT

This is pretty hilarious.

The NAACP explicitly states that they are not calling the Tea Party organization racists, they would just like the Tea Party to loudly decry and distance themselves from the racists crawling into bed with them.

Hours later, Tea Party darling Sarah Palin post this to Facebook. If you don’t want to read it, I’ll save you the trouble: it’s a Reagan/freedom/it’s all in the past denunciation of racism, where she claims the NAACP is the bad guys for calling the whole Tea Party racist, which they explicitly did not do.

Now let’s see if they can do the same denunciations on-the-spot when Rand and Tancredo get up and suggest that the Civil Rights Act, in whole or part, need to be revisited because Tancredo doesn’t want to sell coffee to Mexicans.