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Mostly sane, most of the time.2/24/2011 9:36:49 pm PST

re: #518

Evenin’ all.
Am I late?

I’ve had a week:
1. Injured cat
2. Sick kid
3. Dead washing machine, sitting here since 10 a.m. half-full of soapy water that won’t drain, and sopping wet soapy clothes I haven’t yet decided what to do with.
4. Excited about my next glass project, trying to get it together, supplies are hard to find, believe it or not, and my pattern is off, I have to go get an expert’s opinion tomorrow (I hope)
5. Need to paint a room and I’ve finally decided on a color; have to get paint, etc.
6. Need to find the tent for daughter’s camping trip, when the promised tent from one of the others has apparently been discovered to have been stolen and is therefore not available.
7. It’s raining but the dog wants to go out anyhow. pfft.

I can’t call the repairman about the washing machine because whatever I do, I will NOT ask the right questions or order the right work, so I really need to just wait ‘til the Roi is home and can deal with it.

So, how is everyone else doing?

My suggestion is use something to scoop the water out. This part will be tedious. When it gets low enough, scoop the clothes out, take them to the bathtub and wring them out.

You can then hang them dry, and when the washer is working again, wash them. If you leave it, you’ll have mold.

Just what I would do.

(Of course, I don’t get this problem. I get a helpful child adding detergent to the dryer. Have you ever tried to get the detergent out of the dryer. You have to get every last speck, or it will dry all over your wet clothes, and you’ll itch.)