
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

SteveC11/18/2009 7:24:20 pm PST

re: #496 TheMatrix31

No, we don’t.

We do not devolve into being like them by not allowing them protection under laws that they have ABSOLUTELY NO CLAIM TO.

I don’t know if this has been mentioned upthread, but if this goes to trial in open court either A) the prosecution is going to be severely handcuffed by their inability to use classified information; or B) the classified information will be used, in open court and with the rules of discovery in place, and al-Queda and anyone else who cares to pay attention will eat our lunch in the intelligence field for years to come.

Guilty, innocent, hung jury, or mistrial, it doesn’t really matter. In the long run the USA loses.