
Video: Landscapes, Volume Two

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/12/2011 7:39:58 am PDT

re: #529 iossarian

Why is FBV paid more than truck unloader? Does he “deserve” it? Or is it just an accident of fate that has put him in a position that is more highly paid?

Both. He deserves it from the rules of the economy that we’re in, since his skill is rarer. And it really is, it’s not like CEOs, who are rather interchangeable.

It’s also an ‘accident’ of fate that that’s how our society is organized.

That’s the faulty reasoning in my view - the link that people draw between economic facts (scarcity of skilled labor) and ethical judgements (salespeople “deserve” to be paid more than truck unloaders).

I think you’re the one conflating the ethical and economic judgements. I didn’t read any FBV’s comments as noting anything other than the economics of it.