
Joe Bonamassa Does Hendrix: "Are You Experienced?"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/12/2016 10:02:46 am PST

Bernie wants to make the party a party of working people again. And you know what Bernie? I’m on board with you on that. There’s just one problem. A lot of working class whites, who you see as these people who just not voting for us because we’re not what you want us to be on economics aren’t voting for us because of their own prejudices often. Bernie should explain why the Reagan Dems excited even though Mondale was very much a populist on economics. And again he ignores that many working class voters do vote for us. And frankly I really don’t want ot hear too many lectures from a guy who even though he’s old enough to be my grandpa has less of a history in the Democratic Party than I do.