
Ken Miller Dissects the Creationists' Next Tactic

jcm1/04/2009 11:12:42 pm PST

re: #511 stretch

so the scientific method requires the analysis of testable and repeatable experimental observations. There are none showing a naturalistic origin for life, or for a creature of any species spontaneously evolving into another species. so the scientific method debunks evolution, wouldn’t you agree?

Not hardly. Evolution per se does not address origins, it address the development and changes over in the flora and fauna of earth. Darwin’s Origin’s of Species does not discuss the origins of life, but the development of a species.

Many hypothesis exist on origins, so far it’s an open question.

Bringing in a metaphysical explanation for the origins of life is patently non-scientific as metaphysics is au priori outside the realm of physical examination. Science is limited to the physical realm.

It’s this fundamental error, the mixing of metaphysical and physical. That I an most here object to. In the case of The DI this mixing is intentional and made for political purposes. In other case it from a misapprehension of the boundaries of the metaphysical and physical.