
Congressional Probe Into Russian Interference Widens to Include Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)5/30/2017 5:50:19 pm PDT

re: #532 Anymouse

Ah, but it’s already an article of wingnut faith being rapidly propagated across the Wingnutosphere that liberals are not condemning Ms. Griffith. When it hits FOX News (without mention of her apology), tens of millions of FOX viewers will only hear that she did this, not that she took responsibility for a shockingly bad judgement call of “comedy” and apologised for it.

By tonight, wingnuts will be all over social media saying “liberals support violence too” because they will have been told no liberals condemned her stunningly bad image.

By tomorrow, even in places like mine with no cell service and Internet I’ll be hearing about it from every person in town I meet. No amount of refutation will matter from me, because they don’t have Internet service to see that apology, just Christian hate radio and FOX News radio and television.

That’s their problem. You’re confusing me though. How aer they going to get the RW memes with no internet and thus no social media but no links to Griffin’s apology? There’s a difference between ignorance and stupidity, the stupid man simply doesn’t know, the ignorant man could know but chooses not to.