
Farmers Insurance Pulls Beck Ads

Coracle8/19/2009 12:32:11 pm PDT

re: #435 Kenneth

The derisive use of the phrase “The One” is not derogatory, but is intended to mock. Oprah called Obama “The One we have been waiting for” and Obama referred to himself with similar wording in several campaign speeches. His critics took to using it as a way of mocking not only Obama’s evident high self-regard, but also his followers fawning hero worship of the man.

The One.

To me this is all different shades of the same color “Shrub” was. The One is also used by religious nuts who think Obama thinks of himself as the second coming - or conversely who think of him as the antichrist. I know precisely no Obama supporters who ever fawned over him like that. And though I don’t deny that a portion of his supporters did, I think that ascribing that to all, or even the majority of those who voted for him is, as any derogatory - or “derisive” counterproductive. You’re not going to win any converts while mocking them.