
Rachel Maddow interviews Tim Huelskamp about SOTU, Huelskamp Benghazis

Killgore Trout1/29/2014 10:22:41 am PST

re: #36 Justanotherhuman

All of this hateful, racist and reactionary bullshit being put out by the Rs overnight has got me in a fucking bad mood. And I hate when that happens.

Isn’t it only about 25% of the population that actually pays attention to them anyway? What I like to call, “The Fascist Fourth”. If it were 80 yrs ago, I might be worried, but I think most of the country has grown out of that kind of thinking. I have to think that in order to stay sane.

Unfortunately, though, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

State of the union speeches are largely ceremonial and most of the press coverage is just part of the noise machine. It some easy camera time for politicians and networks milk the partisan outrages for ratings. Very little coverage of the content of the speech or feasibility of proposals.
Here’s a decent rundown of the foreign policy points from last night: Obama’s six big foreign policy points in the State of the Union