
Your Cognitive Dissonance Whiplash Moment of Zen, Brought to You by the Guardian

Reality Based Steve7/22/2014 6:51:47 pm PDT

re: #49 Rev_Arthur_Belling

1) It makes them look smarter.
2) They’re getting older and need reading glasses.

This is one reason why I don’t necessarily diss Perry for his new glasses thing. I now need bifocals, but I hate them. So I wear regular strength contacts and reading glasses as well. I’ve tried several different styles, and have found a couple I like. The beauty of reading glasses is they don’t cost much if you don’t like them (~$10 for a decent frame).

I’m in sort of that boat. Have a plastic lens in one eye (cataract surgery), and see a golf ball at 200 yards with it. Other eye is about 20/400, so I wear a contact in that one. A set of $7.00 WalMart “half eyes” reading glasses handles everything out to arms length. I’ve actually got a couple of pairs of safety glasses for the shop with readers built in. about 10 bucks a pair.