
Don't Drill, Baby, Don't Drill

darthstar3/31/2010 12:39:33 pm PDT

re: #43 iceweasel

Bush Official Dan Bartlett Admits Authorizing Offshore Oil Drilling Will Be Unlikely To Win Over Any GOP Votes

There isn’t anything Obama can do that the GOP won’t attack, and the GOP doesn’t give a shit about the country—only about getting and keeping seats, and blocking every single thing Obama does. I think we can cal them the Party of No: No Ideas, No Class, No Integrity, and No Fucking Way.

This also is something that can’t be passed by reconciliation. There will be GOP votes, but only if they can add ‘killer’ amendments to the bill (banning gays from teaching, repealing the HCR bill as an amendment, etc.). These, of course, will get the Democrats to vote against the bill, and then they can claim that President Obama doesn’t even have the support of his own party.