
A Matter of Perspective

Sigma_x4/08/2010 5:02:27 am PDT

I have a question - how come and’s registration are ALWAYS closed? I’ve been trying/hoping to register on both those sites for well over a year now, and they. are. always. closed. Period.

It would have anything to do with attempting to stifle debate now, would it? I couldn’t imagine they’d do such a thing.

From what I’ve noticed, both of them have exactly ONE “liberal” or dissenting voice registered, and it’s really more like a caricature of a dissenting voice; more like straight guy in a comedy from the 1930’s. In fact, I’m pretty sure that on Malkin’s site the “dissenting voice” is actually a right-winger in disguise, because the shit that comes out of his/her mouth is so lame as to be cringe-inducing. As if it were like, “See, we let one of you on here and you just continue to make a jackass out of yourself.”

I really wish I could register. I realize I’d probably only last 1/2 a day. But it’d be worth it just to TRY and throw some reality into the mix over there.