
Romney's Foreign Policy Stance In Shambles?

Kragar5/14/2012 3:30:49 pm PDT

I have another reason to dislike Prometheus even more.

Guillermo del Toro Says Prometheus May Have Already Eaten His Lunch; Cthulhu May Slumber a While Longer

After being asked about them in interviews, the director/producer/writer posted his observations on his message boards at to make his thoughts clear:

Prometheus started filming a while ago – right at the time we were in preproduction on Pacific Rim. The title itself gave me pause- knowing that Alien was heavily influenced by Lovecraft and his novella.

This time, decades later with the budget and place Ridley Scott occupied, I assumed the greek metaphor alluded at the creation aspects of the H.P. Lovecraft book. I believe I am right and if so, as a fan, I am delighted to see a new Ridley Scott science fiction film, but this will probably mark a long pause – if not the demise – of At the Mountains of Madness.