
Onion: Teach the Controversy!

Bagua5/24/2010 8:08:16 pm PDT

LOST Bagua ending.

Note also that the He Tu originates traditionally from the emergence of a dragon-headed horse with carp-like scales that emerged from the Yellow River. Sounds like Smokey emerging from the Yellow River cave.

This gives us (The LOST numbers of 4 8 15 16 23 42 )

This is grid of the He Tu

8 3 5,10 4 9

Which is the perfect balance of Yin and Yang, Light and Dark, Smokey and Jacob. A steady state.

For the world to exist however, we need the Luo Shu, which depicts the universe in a constant state of change.

This leads to:

4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6

The numbers associated with the Island and its protection in the Later Heaven status. So the numbers are perfect.

Smokey would have destroyed everything by upsetting this arrangement and returning to the Earlier Heaven stasis which turned out to be dependent on the proper amount of the element Water tempering the element Fire.

All this in a cave representing Mountain, with a rock cork representing Earth, and of course there was lots of Thunder. The Doc then dies in a Marsh field.