
Israeli Government Praises Obama Speech

tobariv6/04/2009 9:11:23 pm PDT

Israel is dealing now with an elected Palestinian state in Gaza. That is the sad reality. The govt of Hamas destroyed the built up city of Gush Katif to wage war. The “two state solution” is a failure. Why repeat the same mistake and ask for more bloodshed. My friend is a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation M.D. in Israel. The majority of his patients are Arabs. Who pays for their care ? The state of Israel. Could yousee an Israeli civilian getting help in an Arab country? In terms of female genital mutilation, as an M.D. I would like to tell those who say this exists all over to do some research. It’s actually highly prevalent in Cairo. The terrible side effects of what is done to women are too horrible to describe.Too bad this moral equivalence has become so prevalent. I’m just plain tired of it. Israel is now more isolated than ever. I am sorry President Obama does not understand that Israel is the land of the Jewish People from the beginning of time-not just because of Hitler .