
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk1/06/2009 6:39:15 am PST

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. NYC is going to be a moronic convergence as the UN meets and the useful idiots will be gathering to denounce Israel’s right to exist while exposing their anti-Semitic inner hate for the world to see by supporting Hamas and their genocidal intent.

There is good and evil in the world. It’s on full display all the time, but right now the battle is in Gaza.

Hamas makes no bones about its goals and mission. It seeks nothing less than the destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews.

Israel wants to be left alone, but has all too reluctantly taken action by finally sending in troops months after Hamas had been raining down rockets on Israel during a so-called ceasefire. Israel does everything imaginable to minimize civilian casualties, up to and including calling homes in the vicinity of where Israel expects to attack. Hamas purposefully uses human shields.

Hamas purposefully fires kassams with the intent to murder Israelis - hitting kindergardens is typical of their mindset. Hamas is nihilistic and full of rage, and they are incapable of choosing between that hate and peace with Israel.

Israel builds bomb shelters and has to reinforce schools and hospitals to prevent casualties from rocket attacks. Hamas purposefully surrounds itself with kids so that if Israel does attack, the imagery and story focuses not on Hamas barabarism, but on the death of kids.

The media laps the agitprop up. MSNBC is among the worst at this in the US; foreign press is even worse.

My updates on the situation are here.