
Creationist Dentist Gets the Boot

Spare O'Lake3/03/2010 10:07:38 pm PST

re: #530 Dark_Falcon

Yes. His nic is Ben_Zechariah. Last year his daughter made an appearance here on LGF and started trolling (he had been banned already, but she had not). Austin_blue showed up and I joking but very stupidly said that “the troll” would make a good target for his HK-91 rifle. I meant it only in the sense of online personas but but Ben and his daughter took it as a death threat. Since then he has periodically threatened to kill me, most recently a few days ago.

WTF. This is unfuckingbelievable. I hope you have called the local and federal police and filed a full report on this incident. I also hope you have also sought legal representation to sue the bastards.