
What Racism at the Tea Parties?

Reggie Dunlop1/05/2010 10:23:51 am PST

Thank you for speaking for him. I am positing that it probably is faked, as Google news only pops 51 stories for Mr. Robertson, with “Dscriber” being the top. As I said, I condemn all such racist sentiments, but am cynical and have a certain amount of distrust for the MSM given their record from Mr. Rather to every instance of so called “fauxtography.” Why then hasn’t the NYT picked this up, at least on its blogs, or ABC news? Huffpo?

And since this used to be an anti-terrorism blog before Charles began focusing on the lunatic fringe on the right (as opposed to the left, which engages in “direct action”), I was wondering what everyone here thinks about Mr. John Brennan stating that the Christmas bomber might get a plea deal.