
Moron vs. Moron in Alabama Governor Race

Cato the Elder5/11/2010 7:11:44 pm PDT

re: #513 LudwigVanQuixote

Cato that is a ridiculous sophistry that is well beneath you.

Are you trying to tell me that there is no such thing as a social contract. Are you arguing that mere anarchy be loosed on the world. The second you live in a society, you have certain actions dictated to you and others restricted.

Now I get that you are bored and are interested in picking a fight for sport, but that was really pathetic and frankly shameful to your normal high caliber thinking.

I am trying to tell you that the social contract has never included people who won’t be born for another three generations. It may not be just, it may not be rational, but it’s pure, immutable human nature.

I’m arguing that whether or not mere anarchy is loosed upon the world is not up to you, or me, or any conclave of anointed prophets, or any group of climate scientists, no matter how we fume and sputter.

I am not bored at all and I’m not picking a fight. I’m merely calling it like I see it.

Hell, there was every opportunity to stop WWII in its tracks. A bold French government could have put an end to Hitler in the Rhineland.

Everybody with eyes to see saw it coming, and it came anyway.

What hope do you really have that the avalanche of hot meat that is humanity can be stopped or turned in its course by words?