
Creationist Dentist Gets the Boot

iceweasel3/03/2010 10:10:09 pm PST

re: #538 Boondock St. Bender

some people look to take offence.(i vaugely remember the nic.)
guy sends his little girl to do his dirty work then cries about the tough room…the guy knows how we get sometimes…he sounds pretty pathetic.
just the same you keep your eyes open and stay safe.

It was just another manufactured outrageous outrage on their part, involving willful misreading and their desire to seize any chance to let their inner hater out (make genuine threats, pretend like DF had made one).

Just crap. And really, talking about their sad wankage makes their tiny shriveled excuses for a manhood get happy, so we should just ignore the Screen Berets. This is why DF, LVQ, etc don’t want to post identifying info, but all these sad wankers can aspire to is busting a CaPs LOcK in our ass.
ignore, I say.