
Overnight Video: Rand Paul Dodges Fox News Reporter in His Own Studio

Vicious Babushka8/13/2010 8:24:04 am PDT

re: #544 RadicalModerate

Turned on morning news programs today and they’re all over the Laura Schlessinger story where she dropped about a dozen n-bombs on her radio program in one segment.

As bad as I thought of her tossing the word around like it was nothing, I was far more disturbed by her ending statement to the caller:
“If you’re that hypersensitive about color and don’t have a sense of humor, don’t marry out of your race.”

Apparently Loving v Virginia has little to no meaning for Dr. Schlessinger.

Why is this ranting bitch still on the air? She got so obnoxious years ago that radio stations moved her show to the “Overnight slot.” I’m surprised that she hasn’t been dumped altogether.