
An Attack on the Existence of Labor Unions

jaunte2/19/2011 1:50:03 pm PST

re: #527 Girth

Another interesting comment from that thread, from ‘bigcheese80’

…The two largest rank and file police and firefighter unions in Wisconsin endorsed Tom Barrett for Gov. The state troopers union, Milwaukee unions and West Allis police union supported Walker. I think the bigger reason Walker wouldn’t dare breaking up those unions is because he can not afford to be blamed for causing a strike by police or firefighters.
Earlier today, members of the Wisconsin Professional Firefighters Association joined the protesters and marched into the capitol rotunda in their parade gear playing bagpipes and drums.

In related news, the majority speakers of the state assembly and senate happen to be brothers and earlier this week, Walker appointed their father State Patrol Superintendent.

More info here: