
“Human Rights Community” Agrees: Gilad Shalit Should Remain in Captivity « Commentary Magazine

Lobengula6/26/2011 8:43:14 am PDT

re: #52

You can point out whatever you want. You seem to take offense, however, that others 1) have a different opinion, and 2) point out their own information to you.

Do I? I relish a good argument but have as yet only been met with accusations of antisemitism when pointing out that the case of gilad shalit is no more tragic than that of the hundreds of palestinians children languishing in israeli prisons for throwing stones. When you say “oh yes but stone throwers should be punished,” I pointed out that settler children throw stones at palestinian (and therefore subhuman) civilians with impunity.

I have no clue if you are anti-semitic or not

i have no clue if you are a child molester or not.

You made claims and cited sources, but provided direct links to reports that do NOT stand up to scrutiny as “ample evidence”

any reasonable person would accept Israeli Prisons Services statistics report as an appropriate source.

B’Tselem has been discredited time and time again and your story about the 7 year old is far less credible than you would have us believe.

I’m sure a 7 year old detained by police for four hours and beaten is the norm in Israel but you have to appreciate that in the civilised west, such a response for such a petty ‘crime’ would be inconceivable.

As noted, who and what you are becomes clearer by the moment.

I am south african of jewish extract who has become disillusioned with Israeli policies. If that is tantamount to antisemitism in your opinion, so be it, even though you cannot cite a single instance of my allegedly antisemitic rhetoric. But if you really want to address racial hatred, i suggest you self reflect; your seething hatred of the palestinians has left you foaming at the mouth and rendered you incoherent in your replies. If all you have to offer in return for my very genuine observations are snide, vague comments, then it’s time to realise you have nothing meaningful to say. I’m done with this thread.