
Vandalizing of Political Signs Crosses a Hateful Line in Lubbock, Texas

A Mom Anon10/22/2012 5:16:04 am PDT

I’ll just be honest and say I’m scared to have so much as an Obama bumper sticker on my car at this point. I had some moron scream at me in the grocery store parking lot awhile back for wearing a Rosie the Riveter t-shirt that says “We Can Do It”. He,being the freaking Wile E Coyote:Super Genius that he surely is,thought it was a pro Obama shirt. Seriously,WTF? Other stuff has happened too,I just won’t put a target on myself or my home or car anymore. These fucking people are addicted to hate and they don’t care who they hurt.

This is the issue I have with today’s conservative movement. I have trouble forgiving or not taking it in a hostile way when this shit is actively encouraged and has been allowed to fester by the actual party and political leaders. They might have been able to at least get it under control before the last election but they chose not to. They chose to divide the country and keep the hate going and I’m SO tired of it.